Monday, November 21, 2022

DuPage delivers overwhelming victories for the environment in November election

By Linda Sullivan

DuPage voters overwhelmingly voted in November for candidates committed to protecting our environment, our forest preserves, our rights, and our democracy.

River Prairie Group volunteers played an important role in this victory with endorsements, canvasses, and social media. Many members were inspired to write postcards, phonebank, or text bank for environmental candidates.

Starting in April, River Prairie Group’s Political Committee held endorsement interviews with candidates ranging from Congressional to DuPage Forest Preserve commissioners. Some 24 reports were written, 24 votes taken by the RPG Executive Committee, and many presentations to the Illinois Sierra Club Chapter Political Committee. 

Nearly 70 RPG members and 16 candidates participated in RPG’s “Meet the Candidates Night.”  Our members canvassed for Congressional, General Assembly, and Forest Preserve District of DuPage County every weekend, sometimes twice in one weekend, from early September through the weekend before the election.

Partly as a result of all this effort, 22 River Prairie Group endorsements resulted in 21 victories. The importance for the environment and the health of the planet of these victories cannot be overstated. The River Prairie Group helped elect General Assembly incumbents who had stood firm with Sierra Club insisting on a date certain for coal plant closings and environmental justice in Illinois’s landmark Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA); RPG helped elect two newcomers to the General Assembly who we are sure will be strong allies of the Sierra Club; RPG worked hard to reelect five members of the Forest Preserve Commission, including its president, who together have spent the last four years getting grants to put solar on Forest Preserve buildings and making sure that Willowbrook Wildlife Center’s renovation would be net-zero energy; RPG helped reelect five members of Congress who are leaders in the fight against climate change. 

It is worth noting that DuPage County voters provided climate hero Sean Casten’s margin of victory in Illinois’s hard-fought 6th Congressional District. Whereas the three Chicago wards in the new 6th District voted for Keith Pekau 51% to 49%, DuPage County voters cast their ballots for Casten 58.4% to 41.6%, giving him an overall unofficial win of 54.5% to 45.5%. 

THANK YOU if you voted for Sierra Club endorsed candidates! THANK YOU if you logged on for Meet the Candidates Night. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU if you spent your weekend and knocked doors, wrote postcards, or text-banked for candidates who protect the planet.

We can’t keep the planet safe without people like you electing leaders who share our environmental commitment. Here is a list of our endorsements:


Governor:                   JB Pritzker (won)

Attorney General:       Kwame Raoul (won)

Treasurer:                   Mike Frerichs (won)

Secretary of State:      Alexi Giannoulias (won)

Workers’ Rights          Vote Yes (passed)



Senate:                        Tammy Duckworth (won)

Representatives:         Delia Ramirez – IL03 (won)

                                    Sean Casten – IL06 (won)

                                    Raja Krishnamoorthi – IL08 (won)

                                    Bill Foster – IL11 (won)

                                    Lauren Underwood – IL14 (won)


Senate:                        Laura Ellman  21 (won)

                                    Suzy Glowiak Hilton – 23 (won)

                                    Lauren Nowak – 24 (lost)

                                    Karina Villa – 25 (won)


House:                         Janet Yang Rohr – 41 (won)

                                    Terra Costa Howard – 42 (won)

                                    Jenn Ladisch Douglass – 45 (won)

                                    Diane Blair-Sherlock – 46 (won)

                                    Maura Hirschauer – 49 (won)

                                    Anne Stava Murray – 81 (won)

                                    Stephanie Kifowit – 84 (won)

                                    Dagmara Avelar – 85 (won)


Forest Preserve District of DuPage

President:                    Daniel Hebreard – President (won)

                                    Marsha Murphy – 1 (won)

                                    Tina Tyson Dunne – 2 (won)

                                    Jeff Gahris – 4 (won)

                                    Barbara O’Meara – 5 (won)

Chatter from the Chair

 By Connie Schmidt

Connie at Morton Arboretum with grandson.
Photo by Mike Schmidt

Whew! The Fall was a blurrrrrrr with phone banking, postcard writing, and campaigning every weekend thanks to the extensive schedule set up by Political Chair, Linda Sullivan, and our effort to help elect environmental champions to represent us from DuPage County. Read on to see our successes in the articles in this newsletter. 

We also had three valuable programs for our membership: CEJA, The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act of IL in September; Local Sustainability from DuPage County and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage in October; and Growing Healthy Foods with three local groups presenting in November. Notes from the efforts in our local government program of October are presented in this newsletter for those of you who missed it. Many thanks to Sheila Rutledge of the DuPage County Board and Daniel Hebreard, president of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage, for presenting this fascinating view of sustainability in our local governments.

We have an article from an amazing multi-day outing to Michigan’s Beaver Island organized by Ed Max and other leaders of the RPG Outings team. FYI – Our outings team is one of the most active in the state! We have well over a dozen certified leaders leading a variety of outings, including day hikes, kayak trips, bike rides, and overnight stays. Check out our calendar for upcoming events that are added each month.

We hope you enjoy the other articles in this newsletter, as well. Now, I really want to talk to you about our group, actually YOUR group, The River Prairie Group of the Sierra Club. We are one of 14 regional groups of Sierra Club in IL. We have an active board of seven elected executive committee members; however, we thrive with our extended volunteer efforts. Our Political Chair, Outings Chair, Conservation Chair, treasurer, and DuPage Monarch Project Chair are not on the elected executive committee, yet they provide very important leadership for our local organization. Each of these areas welcomes new participation and support. If you are feeling (like me) that we must be involved and DO something to help make our local environment a safe and healthy one for our future generations (see my photo above), I hope you will contact me for ideas on how to step into RPG more actively. A simple skill such as helping to do layout for a flyer or sharing information on restoration workdays, can help make our group stronger. I hope you will consider reaching out with your thoughts to grow and share the leadership of our group.

Sustainability in DuPage County

By Connie Schmidt

Sustainability is alive and well, and spreading across DuPage County. The October Program for the River Prairie Group hosted leaders from both the county and forest preserve to give an overview of efforts being made to reduce the waste and carbon footprint in DuPage County.  

Sheila Rutledge, the Chair of the DuPage County Environment Committee, shared both her personal goals for initiatives as well as ongoing programs supported by the county. She began with the concern that in unincorporated DuPage, some areas do not have trash haulers, while others may have four to five different companies traveling on the same street. Sheila is working on an ordinance to match what Lake County does and have less truck traffic and consolidate the waste hauling. A postcard campaign is asking for opinions on this idea. In addition, Sheila is working on food composting for the county building. Sheila explained that solar energy is being discussed for a flat building at the county complex. If successful, she thinks this model could be used on several other buildings. The county has a half-million-dollar contract to mow turf along county roads. Sheila is seeking ways to plant natives responsibly to decrease this unnecessary expense. Her other ideas include decreasing the agenda printing and reducing (hopefully eliminating) the use of foam food containers in the county building. She would also like to explore a grant to do buckthorn awareness for removal. This would be a cooperative effort with Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and the Conservation Foundation.

The list of ongoing projects is immense! Many are in cooperation with SCARCE, the environmental organization supported by DuPage County. These projects include electronic and textile recycling, document shredding, and propane tank recycling. Cool DuPage is a sustainability initiative of the county.  It states that 22% of greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced since 2007. Sheila would like to see that figure updated more frequently. The county has a Dark Skies resolution for sustainable outdoor lighting and is part of the Chicago Regional Trees initiative. With Sheila’s support, county-wide initiatives will continue to grow.

Sustainability is basically the motto of the Forest Preserve. Daniel Hebreard, the President of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage, gave an update of efforts by the Forest Preserve District promoting a sustainable environment. He began by explaining that, considering 13% of all DuPage County land is Forest Preserves, only 2 cents of each dollar taxed is needed to support the Forest Preserves, making it a very good deal for quality of life open to all residents. To begin, over the past few years, The Preserve of Oak Meadows Golf Club was not just rebuilt but eliminated one-third of the holes, and now it is a golf course in a preserve with far less turf grass and far more native plantings. Solar was installed on the golf cart storage barn, making it the only fully net zero entity of its type in the country. Public safety and sustainability go hand in hand as the district addresses major projects in their masterplan. For starters, the district installed solar panels on Willowbrook Wildlife Center that covered one-third of the electric needs, and then, private funders offered more, and now we will have 100% clean energy on this building. Amazing! When the remodel is completed, it is expected that Willowbrook will be the first net zero wildlife hospital in the world, with both geothermal and solar energy. 

Dan went on to explain that the fleet management building is powered by solar, which will power electric needs and the solar-charging vehicles. Other vehicles of the district’s award-winning clean fuels fleet are powered by biodiesel fuel, a waste product of soy, not corn. The landfills are producing energy, too, through various projects. They used to haul leachate, a waste product of landfills, but are experimenting with planting specific trees that absorb the fluid safely and help with carbon capture in the atmosphere. The district has recently commissioned a Sustainability, Resilience, and Green Energy Study. This will guide decisions of the future, possibly helping our own Forest Preserve District of DuPage to become the first net-zero agency in the state. Exciting!

A big thank you to both these busy public servants for taking time out of the campaign and work season to come and chat with a large group of Sierra Club folks about what our local governments are doing to help with a clean environment here in DuPage, benefiting all our residents.

Mapping project studies DuPage pollinator habitats

By Lonnie Morris

In 2022, the DuPage Monarch Project and the Forest Preserve District established a Mapping Project with the goal of identifying the areas in preserves with value for pollinators. Diverse data sets were combined to produce scores on the pollinator value of the plants in each ecosystem unit (eco-unit). An eco-unit is defined as a specific type of plant community, such as a wetland, mesic prairie, or upland forest, and there can be several eco-units in each preserve.

Monarch on swamp milkweed. Swamp milkweed provides nectar
for many pollinators and is a larval host for monarch butterflies.
Photo by Jon Yeater.

Andrew Cohen, a DuPage Monarch Project volunteer, developed a Pollinator Habitat Dashboard showing the plants in each eco-unit and their combined value for pollinators. The West Chicago Prairie has the highest-ranking eco-unit for pollinators.

The eco-unit rankings are available for future management decisions in targeting areas for habitat improvements.

The next phase in mapping pollinator habitat will be conducting field observations for verifying the presence of the plants identified with pollinator value.

Please follow the link to view the Mapping Project Presentation, see: here

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Monarch butterfly documentary to screen at the Bloomingdale Public Library

By Lonnie Morris

Plants, Pollinators & Prayers is a recent documentary about a local community's efforts to bring monarch butterflies back to Northern Illinois. Plants, Pollinators & Prayers will have a local screening at 7:00 PM on February 15 at the Bloomingdale Public Library. Registraton is required. Do so here.

Inspired to action by the loss of Midwestern prairie habitat and the decline of the monarch butterfly population, this documentary follows the multi-year efforts of a gardener, educator, and pastor as they transform a rural church’s backyard into a monarch waystation--a sanctuary for pollinating animals, an educational garden for the community, and a sacred space for spiritual contemplation.

Diana Swanson, the gardener who leads the planting of the waystation, was inspired to act because, “The monarch butterfly is just one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It’s one of the earth’s great miracles that this small insect can migrate 3,000 miles or more.”

Peggy Doty, an environmental educator, helps bring awareness to the waystation by raising monarch butterflies in her backyard and says of the waystation, “Who knew that insects could create a destination?” She says that attracting pollinating insects to the local area is imperative because “We won’t be here if they’re not here.”

The monarch waystation featured in the documentary is located at the Mayfield Congregational Church at 28405 Church Rd. in Sycamore, Illinois. Pastor Martha Brunell, a central voice in the documentary, speaks about how projects like the waystation are “where faith communities need to be now, in collaborative efforts with all kinds of different organizations. The things that are important to us we do with educational institutions, commercial enterprises, the highway department, in places where our interests and passions overlap.”

Plants, Pollinators & Prayers is directed and produced by filmmaker and NIU professor Randy Caspersen and was shot over the past five years and crewed with students from NIU's Department of Communication. Since moving to Northern Illinois, Caspersen has made films that showcased the efforts of the Northern Illinois community including the award-winning feature documentary Go Penguins! about the Penguin Project, a local theatre group of young adults and children with disabilities performing the lead roles in a Broadway-style musical. Since its release, Plants, Pollinators & Prayers has screened nationally at film festivals across the United States and Canada.

Admission to the February 15 screening of the documentary at the Bloomingdale Public Library is free. The screening begins at 7:00 PM. The film runs 40 minutes. There will be a Q&A after the screening with the filmmaker, the gardener, and the environmental educator from the documentary.

Exploring Beaver Island

 By Mary L Fox

Traveling from around the southern tip of Lake Michigan, Sierra Club travelers met in Charlevoix, MI, early on September 1, 2022, to catch the Emerald Isle ferry for the 32-mile cruise across Lake Michigan to explore Beaver Island. Ed Max, a horticulturalist and enthusiastic part-time island resident, organized and led this exploratory trip with the assistance of Paul Saindon, Berni Kolasa, Mike Davis, and Jan Bradford.

Despite concerns about seasickness after seeing rough seas and whitecaps on Lake Michigan the day before, the ferry made its way through the harbor channel, and the lake was relatively calm with no whitecaps to be seen. People mingled and got to know each other. One participant shared sweet, juicy Michigan peaches gathered on her way to Charlevoix. Ships were sighted along with several islands. From a distance, the trees from one island created the illusion of a power plant.

As we approached the small harbor at Beaver Island, low-slung clapboard and brick buildings were seen along the main street. Upon arrival, luggage was claimed and loaded into cars. Glad to be able to move around a bit, most folks walked the one-mile route to The Brother’s Place, a quaint rustic inn that would be home base for the next five days. The inn was reminiscent of summer camp, complete with an orientation and delivery of house rules before rooms were assigned. Each room was decorated with a theme – such as the Music Room with instruments, Germany and Paris with travel posters, and Japan with a beautiful fan. The Brother’s Place was once a retreat house for the Christian Brothers, known for their brandy – which is another story. The inn is decorated with vestiges of that history, with lamps and chandeliers made from Christian Brothers brandy bottles. Alas, no full bottles were to be found for sipping.

After settling in and having lunch, we headed out on a short hike through a meadow, to a boardwalk in an old cedar swamp leading to a beach. At the beach, we took off our boots and waded into the beautiful aqua and surprisingly warm waters of Lake Michigan. The water was shallow well past 50 yards out. We returned to the inn to help with dinner preparations or just sit back and relax on the long screened-in porch or in one of the comfortable sitting rooms.

Jan Bradford, dressed in a black chef hat and apron, was chef extraordinaire, providing tasty menus of classic favorites, including made-from-scratch blueberry pancakes, egg-in-a-hole, and Jell-o cheesecake pies, to name a few. Group members pitched in with meal preparation and clean-up. Lunch fixings of bread, cheese, meat, peanut butter and jelly, along with granola bars, cookies, and chips were set out after breakfast to make individualized sack lunches before setting out for the day’s activities.

Highlights of the trip were trail talks by local experts and stargazing. On Saturday, Ed showed us one of his favorite hikes through old growth forests and varying vegetative zones ending at a rocky beach known as French Bay. At a pond along the way, we met Pam, a fourth-generation islander, who gave a brief history of Beaver Island. Out of a total of 34,000 islands, it is the largest island in Lake Michigan at 56 square miles, and one of 24 islands on the Great Lakes with permanent communities. Pam stated that Beaver Island has the distinction of being a UNESCO Bio Reserve. During the hike, she pointed out ancient trees and provided fun facts, such as a turtle’s sex is determined by whether the egg was in sun or shade at the time of conception.

We were also joined by Gina, a mycologist (a fungi foraging expert), who showed the group edible mushrooms she had gathered and described how she planned to prepare them. She also cautioned that many mushrooms are poisonous, and foraging requires education and guidance. Foraging is both art and science, and what you don’t know can make you very sick or kill you. Yipes! After that rousing talk, some of the group enjoyed a fun bumpy and dusty ride to the trailhead on Gina’s ATV.

While exploring the rocky beach at French Bay, Paul Saindon found a gneiss (pronounced “nice”) rock on the beach. You may be wondering what a gneiss rock is. That evening, our very own geologist, Mike Davis, entertained us with a geology lesson. Beaver Island and others in Lake Michigan are the result of a band of resistant bedrock which caused glaciers to deposit enough sediment to form the island. Gneiss is a metamorphic rock with bands or striations of different compositions layered over time. This rock has a line along where the bands were displaced and indicate that it was once part of a large mass of rock involved in an earthquake much earlier in the earth’s history. The rock, known as a glacial erratic, arrived at the island via an ice-age glacier from the Canadian Shield, the area of ancient exposed igneous and metamorphic rock located mainly in Canada.

On Saturday morning, the group hiked through a cathedral of trees opening to the blue sky and sun high above a stand of birch and other hardwood trees. The group saw a full spider web hanging from one of the trees and a carpet of lime green moss and hidden fabulous fungi. The sunlight created a kaleidoscope of green ranging from pale sage lichens to emerald green moss in between the waist high deep blue-green ferns. The ground beneath our feet, a combination of pine needles, decaying leaves and sand, was spongy soft and cushy reminding me of a bouncy house. In the afternoon, people had the choice of walking along the somewhat rocky beach at Donegal Bay or climbing the heights of the Mt. Pisgah sand dune. While not nearly as high as Mt. Pisgah in the Appalachian Mountains, it proved to be a challenging climb. After the hikes, some headed into the small town near the harbor to visit Mary’s Toy Store, a combination of toy museum and art gallery and the Beaver Island Historical Society to learn about the island’s colorful and varied history.

On Saturday night the group enjoyed some amazing stargazing at Sand Point with local astronomers providing a hilarious commentary on where the best location would be to see the aurora borealis. One man responded in a deep, raspy baritone, “I asked myself that question, and I haven’t yet received an answer,” and so this conversation continued a bit. The moon was almost full, and when it set, Jupiter and Saturn were visible to the naked eye. Jupiter’s four moons and Saturn’s rings were visible through a telescope. The local astronomers were more than willing to share their knowledge and allow Sierra Club visitors to look through their telescopes. The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) were on display. With some adjustments to his cellphone camera, Steve Turner captured some spectacular images that the naked eye could not see.  

On Sunday, the group headed to Ed’s home either by kayak across a lake or by foot past the proverbial fork in the road marked by a human-sized dinner fork. We enjoyed drinks, appetizers, and dinner while sitting on the deck overlooking one of the inland lakes. The evening culminated with seeing a loon family swimming on another lake as the sun set. This is the night when we longed for some full bottles of the famous Christian Brothers brandy to take the chill off.

Monday, the group visited the cabin and tomb of Feodar Protar, one of the Island’s most beloved citizens from 1893 until his death in 1925. He was highly respected and renowned for providing healthcare and sharing his knowledge, gained mostly through self-education and observation, to the community. An informational marker at his home displays the circular calendar he created to mark the seasons with notes and cut-out magazine pictures on planting and harvesting. 

The group then hiked along the Kuebler Trail, developed along an old logging rail line. Some of the participants ended the day with a visit to a local watering hole to sample the unique and refreshing local brews.

On Tuesday morning, everyone quickly packed up, ate breakfast, made lunch, cleaned up the kitchen, and caught the ferry back to Charlevoix. As the ferry approached the harbor, three wave runners approached and began jumping the wake of the ferry. Some of the riders shot up almost vertically in the air as they jumped the wake. It was quite a spectacle and entertaining end of our Beaver Island adventure!