Thursday, August 17, 2023

Is Now the Time to Electrify My Home?

 By Jeff Gahris

River Prairie Group program meeting, September 27, 7 pm, Glen Ellyn History Center, 800 N. Main Street, Glen Ellyn.

Join us as the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) explains our options, the latest federal and state financial incentives, and how to pursue the best strategy for reducing our carbon footprint and managing our utility expenses. We will also view an engaging video that makes a compelling argument for why electrification matters, and share our individual stories about this transition to a healthier lifestyle. 

I have been attempting electrification myself and encountered both challenges and opportunities. This will be a great time for you to learn more and share your ideas and strategies.

Register here!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Chatter from the Chair

 By Connie Schmidt

Summertime is ending. It sure has been one for the books! From this photo you can see a good part of what drives my activism in Sierra Club; my three grandchildren and a tiny bit of my hubby peaking on the side of the shot.  (Yeah, we are not too good with the art of taking a selfie.) With evidence of climate change impacting us here in the Midwest through heat and drought, activism seems more important than ever. In this newsletter we will share some of the work that the River Prairie Group is doing here in DuPage to help mitigate this issue. 

Clean energy is an essential piece of cleaning the air we breathe. We need to switch to electric appliances, so we are not reliant on dirty gas infiltrating our homes. Read Jeff’s article on our upcoming September program with a presentation from Citizen’s Utility Board (CUB) and how we can clean up our home from fossil fuels. In addition, there is an article about members of our RPG leadership who are working to encourage our local school officials to adopt electric vehicles for their fleets. A fact sheet is featured which you are welcome to copy and share.

Habitat is drastically impacted by Climate Change as well.  Biodiversity and healthy native ecosystems are essential for species survival. Check out the article that encourages you to register your monarch friendly habitat to be counted as part of the solution. We feature the Monarch as our colorful flagship but realize that in saving it, we are supporting species such as native bees, birds and the many plants that support them as well. This article shows how we here in DuPage can be counted with the statewide and national effort to help our neighborhood ecosystems.

Lastly, please consider getting out to enjoy the wild spaces in our area. We present outings on our calendar which you can find on the RPG website. One upcoming special one is featured in an article included here. Check out how you can take a “Hike with a Representative” and chat about concerns and hear about her work in Springfield. As you walk, paddle, or bike in nature, your spirit is revived. For me as I get out in nature, I gain strength to work more to protect the environment so my family members will have the benefit of these beautiful experiences as they grow older as well.   

Reducing our Reliance on Plastic In Order to Save the Planet: A chat with Anu Verma of Naperville.

There are many issues facing our planet at this moment, including climate change, threatened species and habitat, reliance on the finite resources of fossil fuels, and of course what do we do with our overburdened system of waste. Reducing our reliance on plastics is essential for our planet’s survival. Anu Verma from Naperville is certainly doing her share in getting the message out. She has spoken at conferences in Europe and here in the US, and is now working close to home in Naperville to encourage reuse and innovative practices to eliminate the reliance on plastics and paper products.

Plastics promised us so much!! How can they be so out of control? Anu was raised with the Vedic philosophy of asking oneself to respect what one has, conserve it, and give it back to nature. Surely plastics don’t fit into that profile. Our October program will focus us to work together and engage with the biggest scourge of our times and see what policies and individual actions can do to overcome this problem.

Join us OCTOBER 25, 7:00 pm

Glen Ellyn History Center
800 N Main Street
Register HERE

Anu Verma is co-founder of ACS (Accelerate Climate Solutions), which is an all-women run charitable and educational nonprofit with a mission to create a sustainable future by nudging businesses and community to adopt green and clean energy solutions. ACS collaborates with KidsMatr (KM), another nonprofit in Naperville to develop, publicize, and implement the BLAST program (Building Leadership Around Sustainable Transformation), believing in building resilient kids and families who say yes to endless possibilities.

Anu is also the co-founder of OPA (Organizing for Plastic Alternatives), a small but mighty grassroots organization in Chicago, affiliated with Beyond Plastics and CPR (coalition for plastics reduction), working diligently along with IEC (Illinois Environmental Council) to bring about EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) and DRS (Deposit Return Scheme) policies in Illinois.

Take a Hike With a Rep!

Have you ever wanted to share your thoughts with your state representative? Do you like to stroll in nature and visit with other friendly souls? Would you like an expert naturalist to share tidbits about unique plants and trees along the trail? Consider joining the River Prairie Group of Sierra Club outing with Janet Yang Rohr, State Representative from District 41. Janet serves Naperville and parts of Warrenville, including territory in both DuPage and Will Counties, and her office reached out to our leadership to hold a second “Hike with a Rep” this fall. Three Cheers for you, Janet, for wanting to connect with our membership and friends!

Our hike is scheduled for Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 1:00 pm. We will meet at the Knoch Knolls Parking lot (336 Knoch Knolls Road, Naperville) at the trail head. We’ll hike for about 1½ hours, then enjoy a light snack in the parking lot before breaking up. We encourage you to explore the park further if your time allows. This park has so very much to offer: trails, children’s playground, disc golf, a nature center, and the river views and confluence where the east and west Branches of the DuPage River meet. You can read more about the park here

Sign up is requested at River Prairie Group’s Calendar.

Healthy Habitats: Essential for Diversity

By Connie Schmidt

Lonnie Morris, our vibrant volunteer coordinator of the DuPage Monarch Project, visited DuPage this summer to photograph some of the waystations established here in our communities. It was an amazing experience to watch her exclaim over the various species of native plants as she discovered them in the prairies and parks we visited. We found thriving areas and some that were being overtaken by encroaching nonnative species. One fact was obvious as we roamed the county: humans will have to lend a hand if these areas are to thrive and support vibrant communities of biodiversity. Weeds easily creep in, and the fragile systems become unbalanced with the native plants withering away.

Coincidentally, I just received my newsletter from Monarch Watch. Within the newsletter was a section dedicated to one of the goals of DuPage Monarch Project, which is to establish Monarch Waystations. These respite areas are essential to connect the green spaces for the weary migrants as they proceed on their long journeys. Below is a quote from the Monarch Watch newsletter imploring that waystations be listed in their registry. Did you know that Illinois has the second largest number of Waystations?! I wonder if we could make it to the top of the list?

“To offset the loss of milkweeds and nectar sources we need to create, conserve, and protect monarch butterfly habitats. You can help by creating "Monarch Waystations" in home gardens, at schools, businesses, parks, zoos, nature centers, along roadsides, and on other unused plots of land. Creating a Monarch Waystation can be as simple as adding milkweeds and nectar sources to existing gardens or maintaining natural habitats with milkweeds. No effort is too small to have a positive impact.

Have you created a habitat for monarchs and other wildlife? If so, help support our conservation efforts by registering your habitat as an official Monarch Waystation today!

A quick online application will register your site, and your habitat will be added to the online registry. You will receive a certificate bearing your name and your habitat's ID that can be used to look up its record. You may also choose to purchase a metal sign to display in your habitat to encourage others to get involved in monarch conservation.

As of 4 July 2023, there have been 44,110 Monarch Waystation habitats registered with Monarch Watch! Texas holds the #1 spot with 3,664 habitats and Illinois (3,381), Michigan (3,205), California (2,864), Florida (2,299), Ohio (2,285), Pennsylvania (1,951), Virginia (1,915), Wisconsin (1,911), and New York (1,441) round out the top ten.

You can view the complete listing and a map of approximate locations via "

Note: There is a nominal fee to help offset processing costs and support Monarch Watch's conservation efforts.

Friends of the Forest Preserves

By Jeff Gahris, with contributions by Jeannine Kannegiesser and Audra Bonnet, Forest Preserve District of DuPage

The Friends of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to providing ways for you to help care for our forest preserves. While the Forest Preserve District was created over 100 years ago, the Friends was incorporated as the District’s philanthropic partner in 2010. Many visitors who enjoy the preserves look for a way to give back by supporting various projects and initiatives. Perennial favorites for philanthropic support are care for the injured and orphaned native animals at Willowbrook Wildlife Center and forest preserve greatest needs, including habitat restoration, wildlife preservation, green energy development, and environmental sustainability.

On July 25, 2023, Brook McDonald, CEO of The Conservation Foundation, presented a donation to the Friends for restoration work at the West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve, honoring the legacy of the West Chicago Prairie Stewardship Group. The Conservation Foundation had been the fiscal agent of the volunteer stewardship group, which was founded in 1982. This is an outstanding example of volunteer support and involvement that supports our fabulous green spaces.

The 358-acre West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve was purchased in 1979 by West Chicago and the Forest Preserve District, with additional acreage added in later years. Here you will find 600 species of native plants and animals. It includes the Truitt-Hoff Nature Preserve. Nine areas in DuPage forest preserves are dedicated as either an Illinois Nature Preserve or Illinois Land and Water Reserve by the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, adding extra protections for these high-quality natural areas.

Join the Friends of the Forest Preserve District at some of their upcoming events, including:

  • Aug. 12 at 9 a.m. – First Friends Forest Tour at Danada Forest Preserve
  • Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. – Duck Race at St. James Farm Forest Preserve
  • Sept. 14 at 5:30 p.m. – Night for Nature at St. James Farm Forest Preserve
  • Oct. 7 – Visit the Friends at the Fall Festival at Danada Equestrian Center
  • Nov. 14 – Annual meeting and reception at The Preserve at Oak Meadows
  • Nov. 28 – Giving Tuesday Online Giving Day

The Friends’ volunteer board of directors generally meets bimonthly on the fourth Tuesday. Current members are Chair Diane Addante, Vice Chair Bob Watt, Treasurer Ashley Guest, Secretary Carl Schultz, Ex-Officio Member Jeff Gahris, and members Brian Battle, Penny Chanez, Karyn Charvat, Mike Dyer, Larry Larson, David Stang, and Joseph Suchecki.

Additional information about the Friends is available at

Clean Air for our School Children - Electric School Buses in our Future!

By Connie Schmidt

Janice Guider of the Executive Committee of the River Prairie Group has led the charge for advocacy of replacing our dirty aging diesel school bus fleets with modern clean electric buses. She is working with the Environmental Law and Policy Center as well as a myriad of other Electric Vehicle (EV) fans who are helping to bring new technology to the suburban streets of DuPage.

Janice states: “…We must intentionally discover ways to link arms to protect our children from diseases interfering with their learning ability. While causes for poor academic results are multifactorial, we seek out multi-remedy opportunities, and one remedy that we can't ignore is improving air quality.

Exposure to airborne pollutants, particularly ozone and PM2.5 (particulate matter), is undermining the education of our children because they lead to a wide range of noncommunicable diseases. Asthma arguably tops the list but comes with significant complications: insomnia, fatigue, physical inactivity, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea and, unavoidably, adverse effects of the medicine (usually steroids) to treat the disease. In most instances, that adversity is agitation that triggers disruptive behaviors in the classroom.”

In every meeting, Janice can be heard speaking up for the most fragile in our school systems because their health is the most easily compromised from these dirty behemoths. She has crafted relationships with elected officials, the regional superintendent’s office of education, bus manufacturers, and schools in Illinois that have already adopted this new technology. 

RPG has assisted with several meetings held virtually where the superintendents of DuPage have been invited to learn of funding for the electric bus transition. Currently there are both federal funds and statewide funds available for our districts to apply for. At least one district in DuPage is on board and has applied for multiple grants. Parents and teacher organizations should contact their school boards and district leaders to take advantage of these opportunities.

If you want to be more active with the Electric School Bus campaign, contact Connie Schmidt at or 630 234 3029.  Together we can do more!