Friday, May 24, 2019

Meet Your Local Pollinators: Illinois Pollinator Week June 17 – 23

By Lonnie Morris

Bombus affinis, Caroline Hlohowskyj
Has your garden gone quiet, the hum and buzz of busy pollinators a faint whisper? Do you remember summer nights driving through clouds of insects but now arrive home with a clean windshield? Do you miss the enchantment of watching the flash and glimmer of fireflies?

While we’ve been busy doing human stuff, pollinators and insects have been quietly disappearing. For years the decline went unnoticed. Insects are small, many live outdoors, and often the everyday human-insect interactions are annoying--ants in the kitchen, mosquitoes in the yard, yellow jackets threatening a picnic. Hard to miss something you want to avoid.

Though often overlooked, insects are the keystone of life, a pivotal connection between plants and animals. Our lives are being diminished by their decline.

A growing number of studies confirm insects are declining in abundance, with a number of species in danger of extinction. Insects in general are declining, but the ones commanding the most attention are pollinators, a group that includes bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, ants, and flies. Pollinators in Peril, a report prepared by the Center for Biological Diversity in 2017, found that 24% of native bees are imperiled, and population declines are occurring in 52% of native bee species. In Illinois, the Illinois Butterfly Monitoring Network has found a 30% decline in butterfly abundance since 2000.

Bombus griseocollis, Gerald Davidson
The spotlight has been on honeybees for years. It’s THE bee that comes to mind when discussing pollinator decline, likely because of their strong connection with people. Honeybees perform essential pollinator services for several food crops, they make honey, and their picture had been featured on a popular breakfast cereal box until it was replaced by a ghost-like silhouette to highlight honeybee decline.

The honeybee’s celebrity has eclipsed the contributions native bees make to a healthy eco-system. The honeybee is distinctive in several ways, setting it apart from other bees. It is social, while most bees are solitary. It has been managed for so long, its typical home is a hive box; most native bees build modest nests in the ground or hollow stems and twigs.

We’re familiar with adult bees, tiny creatures flying from flower to flower, but the majority of a bee’s life is spent out of sight, in a nest undergoing the early stages of its life cycle. The bee’s developmental stages are the same as a butterfly’s: an egg hatching into a larva (grub form), then pupating before becoming the adult we recognize.

Many pollinators have unique skills equipping them to perform specialized tasks required for pollinating certain types of plants. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, blueberries, and cranberries have tightly packed pollen that isn’t readily accessible and needs to be released with a good shaking. Bumblebees clasp the flower then engage their flights muscles, producing a vibration strong enough to unleash the pollen. Honeybees are not capable of this particular pollinating technique, called buzz pollination.

Some pollinators, like the squash or cucurbit bee, specialize in the pollen of a particular plant or family of plants. Illinois grows the majority of pumpkins in the US, a plant that relies heavily on pollinators. Maintaining a supply of Halloween pumpkins and pumpkin pie depends on a healthy population of squash bees.

All pollinators, all insects are necessary and essential; they’re the ingredients of the wondrous diversity of life that sustains us. 

Pollinators Need our Help

Bombus vagans, Carl Strang

Human activity has created the conditions negatively impacting insects. The causes are known: primarily loss of habitat, widespread pesticide usage, and changing weather patterns. Each one of us can be part of the solution.

World-renowned biologist Jane Goodall said, “Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved.”

Helping begins with understanding.  One of the best ways of understanding the natural world is to spend time in it, looking closely, listening carefully, being curious, noting changes, asking questions, and finding answers. Eric Simons, an editor for Bay Nature, a science magazine based in San Francisco, says,
“You can go for a walk outside and just pay attention to what’s around you.” It sounds simple, but Simons says that noticing your surroundings is the first step to noticing changes. “The natural world needs witnesses, now more than ever.”

Your garden and yard are the closest places for observing and helping pollinators. Which trees, shrubs, and flowers are hosting a lively gathering of insects? Are there different types of visitors, butterflies, and bees, or an assortment of bees?

Gardening practices make a difference

Bombus auricomus, JoAnn Monge

From plant selection to tidiness, what you do in the garden can make it more inviting to pollinators.

A tidy garden erases many nesting sites. Skipping much of fall clean-up and delaying spring clean-up until it’s warm enough for bees to leave the nest are ways a garden becomes habitat.

Pollinators need nectar and pollen from early spring to late fall. Plan for a succession of blooming plants, including the native species many pollinators prefer. 

Caterpillars can be picky eaters; some, like monarchs only eat one type of plant, milkweed.  Swallowtail caterpillars eat fennel, parsley, dill, and Queen Anne’s lace, all of which are excellent additions to ornamental and vegetable beds.   Additional host plants:

Keep pollinators in mind when replacing or adding trees and shrubs. Some are more supportive of insects, such as oaks, cherries, and basswood.

Pesticides don’t just kill pests but beneficial insects as well.  Minimize or eliminate pesticide applications in the yard and garden.

Support pesticide-free agriculture by buying organic when possible.

Not a gardener? You can help by educating others, volunteering your time with local groups, donating to environmental organizations working on behalf of pollinators, and advocating for legislation protecting pollinators.


Lonnie Morris is the coordinator for the DuPage Monarch Project, a partnership organization of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, River Prairie Group of the Sierra Club, The Conservation Foundation, and Wild Ones Greater DuPage Chapter.  More information about DuPage Monarch Project at

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