By Linda Sullivan
Bucking a national trend that put climate-change deniers and people openly hostile to environmental protection in charge at many levels, voters in Illinois elected a slate of Sierra Club-endorsed environmental champions, both to Congress and to the Illinois General Assembly and DuPage Forest Preserve Commission. We have reason for optimism that in Illinois, at least, there is much that will be accomplished to protect our environment.
Sierra Club members worked hard to elect these champions, first
going through the often-laborious process of endorsing them, then helping
elect them, mainly knocking doors and some phone banking.
River Prairie Group collaborated with other Illinois Sierra
Club groups to endorse and re-elect five environmental champions to Congress: Delia
Ramirez, IL-03; Sean Casten, IL-06; Raja Krishnamoorthi, IL-08; Bill Foster,
IL-11; and Lauren Underwood, IL-14.
In the Illinois General Assembly’s Senate, Sen. Karina Villa, S-25, RPG’s only environmental champion up for reelection this year, easily won.
In the Illinois House, several environmental champions in
DuPage faced stiff challenges. RPG held well-attended canvasses for each.
Thankfully, all of the representatives that we depend on to pass planet-protecting
legislation will be returning to the House.
Of 11 endorsements made by RPG, these nine candidates for
State Representative won: Janet Yang Rohr, 41; Terra Costa Howard, 42; Marti
Deuter, 45; Diane Blair Sherlock, 46; Maura Hirschauer, 49; Anne Stava Murray,
81; Stephanie Kifowit, 84; and Avelar Dagmara, 85.
RPG had two losses in districts where candidates challenged
incumbents: Maria Vesey, 48; and Suzane Akhris, 82.
As of this writing, District 47 votes were still being counted. Jackie Williamson was just 300 votes behind in her attempt to unseat climate-change denier Amy Grant.
Prairie Group is proud to announce that its vice chairman, Jeff Gahris, has won
a third term on the DuPage Forest Preserve Commission. Jeff has been active in
the River Prairie Group for about two decades, serving on the RPG’s board for
more than 10 years and as chairman for two years, before stepping down after he
won his first election to the Forest Preserve Commission four years ago. Since
then, he has served as Vice Chairman.
Jeff said his proudest achievement on the Commission was advocating for a formal sustainability plan. This plan has already resulted in solar installations on FPD buildings and a net zero remodel of Willowbrook Wildlife Center. These innovations, built largely with grant money, are not only key to fighting climate change but also will save taxpayers money in energy costs.
"I'm grateful for public support during my recent reelection, and I look forward to working on sustainability initiatives, natural area acquisition and restoration, and better trail access for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County," he said.
The referendum to increase funding for the DuPage Forest
Preserve District passed overwhelmingly.
Shout out to all the volunteers who volunteered their time
to go through the meticulous process of making these endorsements and all the
people who volunteered their time to canvass and phonebank for these
To all our endorsed candidates whether you won or lost, a huge thank-you for your public service and for all you do to protect the planet.
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